Friday 9 August 2013

To develop anything at this point is not fair to the Somali people because they are not in a position to negotiate a fair deal. But there are companies that are in a hurry so they can take advantage. 

Not a good idea for oil exploration in Somalia with the situation we are in right now.
We have too many other responsibilities we should focus on:
1- Let us secure the stability in Somalia.
2- Let us build the country.
3- Let us create more jobs for the people.
4- Let the farmers start doing what they do best and the Gov assist them with that.
There are so much other resources our country has to offer than oil. Life stock and fruits should be enough for now to my opinion.
 If all the aid from all these countries didn’t reach those who are in need for it the most what makes you think the outcome of the oil will do anything difference but to cause all hell break lose?

My advice to any regional, state and federal governments is, don't make any deals now. Do not let the Somali people suffer the disadvantages of bad deals that you can reverse tomorrow for short time regional or personal gains please and please.

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