Wednesday 7 August 2013

Ciid Wanaagsan - Eid Mubarak

Greetings everyone! May you all have a blessed and joyous Eid with your loved ones.

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”
― Winston Churchill
but we (Somalis) must get rid of the enemy within us: Tribalism, greed, injustice and ignorance. 
Today is the last day of Ramadan, such a blessed month it has been. Alhamdullilah Eeboow naga dhex saar inta xaqa diiday, noo soo dir kuwa saaniya (Cadaalad) oo nagu hogaamiya xaqa. Aamen. Eid Mubarak to Muslims all over the world and my fellow Somalis. Have a great holiday.

Nabad iyo caano iyo ciid wanaagsan ku ciida!

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