Saturday 24 August 2013


I just wanted to take this time out and say.... I love my mommy!! I just hope everyone understands how important a mother is!! I thank Allah (swt) for putting her in this world.

If you guys love your moms as well. Go to her and give her the biggest hug in the world and a kiss. If she asks what this is for? Just smile and say i love you!! Just watch how much dua she makes for you!

I wish one day my future daughter would be at least half of the caring, compassionate, empathetic, beautifully souled woman my mother is.💙

My mother is the most beautiful, caring, the most patient, selfless, kind, friendly, hard-working, supportive and sweet hearted woman in this dunya/World and I  don't know what I'd do without her.

 I'm so privileged to have such a mother.

She was/Is/will be the only person I admire the most and i couldn't ask for anyone better!

No place is safer and warmer than between a mom`s arms. May Allah bless our mothers and bring happiness to their lives (both dunya and akhira) and may they be happy about us (their children) , and May Allah bless us with being obedient and loving kids , Ameen.And for our sisters and brothers whom lost their mothers i say , May Allah give you sabr , you can still do acts of "bir" to your mom by giving charity and praying for her in your prayers. 

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