Tuesday 6 August 2013

AMISOM: Peacekeepers or African Imperialists?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines imperialism as “the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas.”  Traditionally, when one hears the word imperialism, European nations come to mind, but it should be noted that Europeans do not have a monopoly on imperialism.  Today, we are currently witnessing the advent of African Imperialism within the confines of South-Central Somalia.

Many believe that AMISOM is solely in Somalia to help the Provisional Federal Government (PFG) establish governance, but their motive is more sinister.  The vanguard of the African armies in Somalia is: (1) Ethiopia [albeit not officially under AMISOM], (2) Kenya, (3) Burundi, and (4) Uganda.  What all four of these nations have in common is that they are all signatories of the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA), which seeks to redistribute the Nile River resources.  Yes, AMISOM is in Somalia because of the Nile River dispute. 

Traditionally, Somalia is seen as an Egyptian ally and the AMISOM nations have implemented a policy of weakening Somalia in order to tilt the balance of power in its favor.  Somalia has been in a state of chaos since 1991, therefore being a non-factor in the Nile River dispute.  This all changed in June 2006.  The entire Somali peninsula was peaceful, stable, and rule of law reigned supreme.  North-west Somalia was, and still is, controlled by the Republic of Somaliland, who is seeking to reassert its sovereignty.  North-east Somalia was, and still is, controlled by the Puntland State, seeking to be a regional state in a federated Somalia.  Lastly, South-Central Somalia, where chaos and instability has ensued endlessly, was finally pacified by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).  Somalia’s former Transitional President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed (2009-12), led the UIC. 

Ethiopia, witnessing organic Somali governance returning, made a calculated decision to invade South-Central Somalia in December 2006.  This subsequently reintroduced chaos and instability in South-Central Somalia, gave birth to Al-Shabaab, and served as a raison d'être for the two dozen Somali-Americans who left Minnesota to fight what they viewed as a foreign occupation.   Since December 2006, South-Central Somalia has been occupied by various African armies, majority signatories to the CFA. Coincidence?  In addition, Tanzania’s Mahiga, the former UN Special Representative for Somalia (2010-13), was placed in charge of drafting the PFG’s new constitution and helping in the process of selecting the PFG’s members of parliament and president.  If you are wondering, Tanzania is also a signatory to the CFA.  In essence, Somalia’s sovereignty has been outsourced to the CFA nations. 

Of all the CFA nations, Kenya has made the greatest gains in its imperial project.  A wikileak cable (Dec. 2009) bluntly speaks about Kenya’s desire to form a Jubaland region, which would be its satellite state, in South-Central Somalia.  It should be noted that the US warned Kenya against this “Jubaland Initiative.”  In 2011, Kenya invaded Kismayo (Jubaland’s capital) and on May 15, 2013, Jubaland was officially born.  Currently, the PFG has demanded that Kenya leave Kismayo and inter-clan warfare has been reintroduced there.  Through Jubaland, Kenya now has indirect control over the political or economic life of a vital part of Somalia. 

The international community, especially the West and non African Imperialist countries, must help Mogadishu regain its sovereignty over South-Central Somalia.  This is the only way Al-Shabaab can be completely defeated and eradicated.  Three main policies must be implemented. 

First, a PFG Army must be built.  This task is not as difficult as many speculators propagate.  The same policy the international community used to develop the PFG parliament can be used to develop the PFG army. The international community gathered all the chiefs of the various Somali tribes to select the PFG parliament. This was done so all tribes had fair representation via their traditional tribal chiefs.  The international community should gather these exact same tribal chiefs, and host them together again to provide for a PFG army.  Each chief shall delegate a certain number of its men to join the PFG army, so it may be a Somali army proportionally represented.  Secondly, AMISOM must have an exit strategy, no excuses.  Lastly, the polity known as the Republic of Somaliland must be left alone until an authentic-sovereign government is in place in Mogadishu.  The peace, stability, and democratic project taking place in Somaliland must not be derailed.  A “Somaliland-Somalia Truth and Reconciliation” committee should be formed to discuss their future relations. 

To conclude, Imperialism, whether it is European of African, has never brought dignity to its victims.  If the honor of the Somali People is to be restored, the international community must help eradicate African Imperialism from the Somali territories. 

Aman H.D. Obsiye is a Somali-American law student at the University of Minnesota. 

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