Tuesday 6 August 2013

Is tribal practice so important it overrides our religion?

We've witnessed many, different, and negative disagreements mostly derived from wrong assumption, and unexplained distaste! 

We can no longer scorn each other without a reason nor waste time on jealousy greed and interests that fuel our division.

You see, we have much to contribute towards our future: educationally economically and environmentally

There are hidden messages than what is displayed publicly. Pay attention, hear what is unsaid-we all desire to contribute to Somalia. 

We are still at a tender age in terms of growth, with determination, we shall prosper in no time, the road to Somalia's prosperity is a process everyone must partake-it doesn't matter where it begins-so long it ends peacefully. 

There are many Somali visionaries educators and planners that can help carve which path is best to approach this positive change. 

We are a son and his uncle, we are all related one way or another yet we can not stand each other-not until we sit down and share a meal together. 

We can not and must not let past lessons be our future plans-ending up with the same path again means another destruction. 

That is why we must exercise fairness-seek understanding before judging-what would you do if you were the person you're slandering? 

Sincerity and Politeness are not form of weakness. If anything, we need to be compassionate to one another.

In order to expand our horizons, welcome, new and fresh ideas free from division, we must release the negative energy trapped inside.

When we are freed from within, only then-shall we build more schools, hospitals, child care and creation centres. 

When we to reject narrow thinking then only we will work together: improve our education and justice system-strengthen our leadership. 

Due to minor disagreements, we can not choose to practice stupidity, hate. Be brave and seek err demand explanation and find resolution. 

We (Somalis) are blessed but we are cursed to see what we've because we are too busy dividing, hating each other. 

We are now in the last 10 days of Ramadan, may Allah unify the hearts and the mindset of Somali people and defeat our common enemy which are Tribalism/Tribe, Injustice, individualism, hatred and Ignorance! May Allah (SW) save our Somalia. Aamen.

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