Tuesday 6 August 2013

Peaceful dialog independent from clan affiliations is in our favor.
 If we need to come together for the greater good, we must be willing to listen and respectfully communicate-no flying chairs!  
We (Somalis) need each other more than we  realise! 
Our disagreements are resolvable-we just haven't communicated thoroughly and without bias yet! 
What we suffer from is due to lack of management and leadership-politicians can be trained on both. 
What is good for us is to unite, its importance is bigger and better than the few disagreements we have. 
 We are free but we are enslaved by ignorance, ClanLoyalty and empowered by biasses.

We can not allow corruption and clanism to rule our way of life.

The time we fought colonizers, we held our heads and flag high, trusted each other. This can happen again if we forgive each other and put aside our personal interest and this Qabiil mentality.
May Allah unify the hearts of our people and defeat our common enemy, tribalism, injustice, individualism and ignorance. Ameen.

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