Saturday 17 August 2013

Essential Question

Becoming British? What does it mean to be British?

Assimilation: Does a person have to give up part of his/her culture to become more British?

Words to look for


Background Information

There is often a generation gap between younger immigrants and older generations once they settle in the U.K Young people adapt to British culture more easily, while older immigrants try to hold onto their traditional culture. Young people generally speak English more quickly and fluently, while elders often struggle to learn a new language. Somali young people are surrounded by British  students at school and are quick to pick up on how British, talk, act, and think. Elders might work outside the home, but are usually more isolated and tend to stick to their traditional ways.  Sometimes parents are dismayed when their own children start to ignore Somali beliefs and culture, and instead behave in ways that would be unacceptable in Somalia. Young people are more likely to see themselves as British, while elders are generally more hopeful that they will be able to return to Somalia some day.

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