Tuesday 6 August 2013

People who have lost their culture.

I was watching a video clip the other night and couldn't help this thought. How did we allow our beautiful Somali culture to be killed off by replacing it with the arab Culture and their use of Islam as a tool to spread Arab culture?

Pretty embarrassing if you ask me that as a people who put such emphasis on pride, we have allowed this generation to be brainwashed into losing the history of our ancestors.

Most of my fellow Somalis can't differentiate between islam and culture. Some of us (Somalis) think that to be muslim you have to accept everything about Arab culture. The two don't go hand in hand. I am proud to be Muslim and proud to be Somali as well. beside Islam which is universal belief. My people, Somalis in the Horn of Africa, are victims where you cannot differentiate our women and those in Arabia in their dressing and men also lost their distinct way of dressing. Not only that, but our Somali names are gone. Somalis are more arabs than arab people. You burst into laughter when you hear a black, kinky haired Somali being called "Abou-hebel" or "Umu Heblaayo" because they believe its Sunnah that will earn them ajar. Our culture is totally disintegrated to the extent that our language is now in danger of being replaced with none-standard Arabic in the name of Islam.

If we forget our foundation, then we won't have any roots, and the leaves and branches will wither so therefore, we must love our country and promote our culture.

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