Friday 9 August 2013


Somalis so called ' politicians' should take notes from Paul Kagame ' President Of Rwanda. 

Paul Kagame, is a strong, smart and visionary leader, since he came to power in 2000, he transformed Rwanda from failed state to what some described as the "Singapore OF Africa" or African's biggest success story, as we all remember 18 years ago Rwanda witnessed one of the worst genocide in history! close to 2 million lost their lives over the course 3 month! Rwanda's economy has made substantial progress 8%  (GDP)  increase last 10 years! Rwanda is not only doing well economically, they also have universal health care, 98% Rwandans have health care insurance! since Paul came to power in 2000 the maternal mortality ratio has fallen by 60 percent.the likelihood that a child would die by age 5 has dropped by 70 percent. 99 percent of primary-school-age children go to school, empowering women? well Rwanda is the only country in the world that women made the majority of its parliament! Rwanda's women hold 44 of 80 parliament seats
also paul kagame deserves praise and recognition his effort of eliminating corruption, he has zero tolerance for corruption, who ever get caught in corruption loses their job right away even if they are goverment officials, and because of this policy Rwanda is the least corrupt country in Africa!! and among the least corrupt nation in the world. Rwanda is doing everything right and if they continue that path, it will become next, Singapore in no time!

kagame is no perfect, he is accused of being oppressor, freedom of speech is limited in Rwanda, to be honest I will give him pass on this one, i think Rwanda should not have any opposition while kagame is alive!  i just don't think they will ever get some one as honest and transparent as him. btw he enjoys 98% support from Rwandans as he won his last re-election comfortably.

So my suggestion is the so called Somali Politicians should take notes from Paul Kagame and i am advising so my fellow Somalis should  learn from HUTUS and TUTSI how to stop killing and forgive each other. 

Please lets be kind and compassionate to one another, forgive each other, we all (Somalis) come from a mother's womb. We are all the same part of one human family.

In this holy month of Ramadan, May Allah unify the hearts and mindset of Somali  people and  defeat our common enemy which are Tribalism, Injustice, individualism and Ignorance! Aamen.

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