Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are reminders of punishment suffered by the people who committed homosexuality.

In more than one place in His majestic book, Allah has related the story of Lut (Lot). Concerning their destruction, he says: Then, when Our command came to pass, We turned their city upside down and rained upon it stones of baked clay, heaped layer upon layer, marked by your Lord. And they (the stones of punishment) are never far from the wrong doers! (Hud 11: 82-83)

The last warning is for the Muslim Ummah: If they indulge in the practice of homosexuality, Allah's punishment is not far off. The Prophet (Pbuh) cursed homosexuals by repeating three times: "Allah has cursed anyone who does what Lut's people did." And he said: "If you find any persons engaged in homosexuality, kill both the active and the passive partner." Ibn Abbas said: "Find the tallest building in the town and throw the homosexual down from its roof, then stone him to death".

This punishment is based on the analogy of Allah's punishment of Lut's people. There is consensus among Muslims that homosexuality is a major sin, which Allah has prohibited in the following verses: Of all creatures in the world, do you approach males and leave those whom Allah created for you as your mates? But, rather, you transgressors! (Al-Sh'ura 26: 165-166)

In another verse, Allah says concerning His prophet, Lut: Truly, they were an evil people, perverted! (Al-Anbiya 21:84)

The name of this town was Sodom, and its men practised sex with men in addition to many other abominations.

Ibn Abbas describes several traits related to what the people of Lut used to do. Some of these are: Not covering the private parts in front of people of the same sex; whistling with the fingers; opening the shirt to show the chest; wearing long pants which drag the floor; and homosexual sex (or lesbianism).

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: "Lesbianism is Zina between women." Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger (Pbuh) said: "Four types of people awake under Allah's anger and go to bed under Allah's displeasure." Those who were listening asked: "Who are they, Messenger of Allah?" He replied: Men who imitate women, women who imitate men, those who have sex with animals, and men who have sex with men."

It is said that when a man mounts a man, the Divine Throne shakes out of the fear of Allah's wrath and the heavens tremble.

Then the angels start reciting, "Say: 'He is Allah, the One; Allah, the self-sufficient. He does not beget nor is He begotten, and there is none like Him" (Ikhlas 112 1-4) until his wrath subsides.

Among those whom Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, and to whom He will say, "Enter the fire along with those who enter," the Prophet (Pbuh) counted the following: The active and the passive partners in homosexuality; the one who has sex with animals; the one who is married to a woman and her daughter at the same time; and the one who masturbates regularly, unless they repent and reform.

The following are also listed among the abominations of Lut's people: playing backgammon; racing pigeons; holding fights between dogs, rams or roosters; entering bathhouses naked; and cheating with weights and measures.

Ibn Abbas said: "If a homosexual dies without repentance, he is changed into a pig in his grave." (Ibn Al-Jawzi)

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: "Allah will not look at a man who has intercourse with a man or a woman in the anus."

The Punishment inflicted on one who willingly makes himself a passive partner in homosexuality Khalid bin Walid once wrote to Abu Bakr that in a certain place there was a man who invited other men to have sex with him.

Abu Bakr then consulted with the companions of the Prophet (Pbuh) about this. Ali ibn Abi Talib said: "This is that sin which none but the people of Lut have done, and Allah has informed us about how He punished them. In my opinion, he should be killed." So Abu Bakr wrote to Khalid, and Khalid killed him.

It is reported that on one of his journeys Hazrat Isa (Jesus) saw a man being burned by fire. He took some water to throw at him, but all of a sudden the fire turned into a boy and the man turned into a fire. Isa was surprised by this and said: "Lord, return them in the condition they were in this world so that I may ask them about their situation." Thereupon Allah revived them and they were a boy and a man. Isa asked them: "What is the situation with you?"

The man replied: "Spirit from Allah, while I was alive. I was passionately in love with this boy and used to have sex with him. When I died and the boy died, he became fire, which burns me. Then I take turn, and become fire and burn him. Thus, we alternate, and this is our punishment until the Day of Resurrection. 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Slave Who Killed His Master.

In the time of Umar a slave killed his master. When this slave confessed to the crime Umar ordered him to be put to death. Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) questioned this slave, 
"Why did you kill your owner?"
"He had forcibly committed sodomy with me," replied the slave. 

Ali (a.s.) asked the heirs of the deceased, "Have you buried him?" 
"Yes we have just come after burying him", they replied. 

Ali (a.s.) advised Umar to have the slave held in custody for three days and told the heirs of the deceased to come back after three days.

A Homosexual Shall be Counted Among the People of Lut (a.s.).

Three days passed, then Ali (a.s.), Umar and some of the heirs of the murdered man went to the grave. Upon reaching there Ali (a.s.) asked, "Is this the grave of your man?" "Yes" they answered.

Ali (a.s.) ordered the grave to be dug out. Amazingly the dead body had disappeared from it. Ali (a.s.) said, 
"Allaho Akbar! I have heard the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) saying that, 'Whosoever from my ummat commits the act of the ummat of Lut and dies before repenting for it shall not remain in the grave for more than three days. The earth will suck him inside and he shall reach the place of the dead of Lut. Where destiny annihilated them. Then that person will also be counted among them'." 
(Kitab Mualim-uz-zalfa).

Sunday, 15 December 2013

3 ways can success the new prime minister of Somalia.

H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud the President of Somalia Federal Republic has appointed on Thursday 12 December new Prime Minister Dr. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed expert of economic and bank development.

Dr. Abdiweli is a new politician of the Somali society and international community but now most of the people believing he can create new system political different last decade following three things important situation:-

First: keeping security of the nation and negotiation leaders of the militants those are not link to the Al-Qaida but believe national fighter and modernists.

Second: good planning the income of the government, building anti-corruption commission and build public service.

Third: international cooperation and good relationship to the front line countries such as Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

This article is dedicated to the memory of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela(July 18, 1918-December 6, 2013).

All the things I read on Facebook/Twitter are a bunch of comments/Status/Tweet from people based on lies & assumptions from what they have heard from the media & other sources (people's opinions)...most are irrelevant & made up...what do you base your opinions on? Do you think you are better than this man? Have you met him & talked with him? How have YOU changed the world you live in? Before criticizing anyone's efforts, look at WHAT YOU HAVE DONE OR CAN DO to do better! I know people will oppose me even for posting this, and I will probably get hate inbox, but I strongly believe that anyone fighting for the rights of equality for all (black, white, male, female, rich, poor) deserves a lot of respect! I think Nelson Mandela changed the world for the better and deserves to be commended historically for radical change in thinking and behaviour and humanity!

"If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care."

Who said these words? Go on, guess? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Nope. Fidel Castro? Guess again. George Galloway, Wrong.

It was the late, great Nelson Mandela, speaking in January 2003.

Speaking at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People event in Pretoria in 1997, Mandela declaimed: "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.. Yes, all of us need to do more in supporting the struggle of the people of Palestine for self-determination."

African National Congress (ANC), South African political party and black nationalist organization. Founded in 1912 as the South African Native National Congress, it had as its main goal the maintenance of voting rights for Coloureds (persons of mixed race) and black Africans in Cape Province. It was renamed the African National Congress in 1923. From the 1940s it spearheaded the fight to eliminate apartheid, the official South African policy of racial separation and discrimination. The ANC was banned from 1960 to 1990 by the white South African government; during these three decades it operated underground and outside South African territory.

His (Mandela) organisation, the African National Congress received years of material and political support from the former Soviet Union, Cuba's Fidel Castro and the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, both of whom Mandela never stopped lauding.

With his image of a revolutionary, Col Gaddafi inspired South Africans to fight for their liberation, funding and arming the anti-apartheid movement as it fought white minority rule.

Mandela named his grandson Gadaffi in honour of his freind Colonel Gadaffi.

Rise to power:

The administration of F.W. de Klerk lifted the ban on the ANC in 1990, and its leaders were released from prison or allowed to return to South Africa and conduct peaceful political activities.
Nelson Mandela, the president of the ANC, was elected in 1994 to head South Africa’s first multiethnic government.
Nelson Mandela, the most important of the ANC’s leaders, succeeded Oliver Tambo as president in 1991. Mandela led the ANC in negotiations (1992–93) with the government over transition to a government elected by universal suffrage. In April 1994 the party swept to power in the country’s first such election, winning more than 60 percent of the vote for seats in the new National Assembly. Mandela, who headed a government of national unity, was inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president on May 10, 1994.
After the withdrawal of the National Party from the government in 1996, the ANC entered into an alliance with its previous rival, the Inkatha Freedom Party, led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi. Mandela stepped down as ANC president in 1997, and in June 1999 his successor, Thabo Mbeki, became the second black president of South Africa.
The party celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2002 and continued its domination of South African politics.

Ronald Reagan (Former US president) had placed Mandela on the US international terrorist list, where the anti-apartheid leader remained until 2008.
I remembered this quote "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" first written by Gerald Seymour in his 1975 book Harry's Game.
The early American founders were called Terrorist, the state of Israel will label you a terrorist at the drop of a hat if you disagree with them. Israel was a staunch supporter of apartheid South Africa. When you are in your own country and your oppressor keeps his boots on your neck you are obligated to use whatever means you can to stop the abuse. Mandela wanted to use the same brutal force against the Boers that they used against his people but he later changed his mind and rightly so. He was perfectly suited for his times, analytical, logical and patient. He looked to the future not the past knowing that the generations to come will have to continue his goal of reconciliation.
Nelson Mandela was a man of principle and courage who taught us the meaning of acceptance and forgiveness not only that but he also taught us human rights and dignity must be fought for every day we are alive.

After 27 years imprisoned, Nelson Mandela was a moral colossus, a global icon of forgiveness and defining symbol of reconciliation.
He saw the power of reconciliation and chose reconciliation over hate, revenge and retribution. This is one such example of the measure of his greatness.

He was an ordinary man who accomplished extraordinary things.
Awoowe Mandela was an extraordinary human being whose life story has become an inspiration for people around the world. His courage and dignity transcended all else. His humanity touched a chord with everyone.

The world could not ask for a better Man or wiser Elder to guide us through troubled times. As Mandela said: "As I walked out of the door towards freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind that I would still be in prison."

As the world mourns and celebrates the life of a man that rose above the hate, bitterness, oppression to shine a light of love, reconciliation and forgiveness, my biggest hope and prayer are that one day we (Somalis) will do the same & stop this tribalistic mentality and forgive each other.

Nelson Mandela was a true true inspiration and will be missed for generations to come. He was a brave not just because he fought against oppression but also because he could forgive. What a revolutionary, what an inspiration, what a visionary and what a human being Nelson was. Undoubtedly Awoowe Mandela was the greatest figure of the 20th century - a fascinating man.

Somalis should look to his example because we are sorely in need of a man like Nelson Mandela.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Iran and the West.

This is brilliant news for the people of the Middle East.
Congrats to Russia first of all, cause without them this could not be possible. 

The agreement between Iran and the United States, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia was nailed down after more than four days of negotiations in the Swiss city of Geneva.

After 37 years of not talking, Iran and the United States seal an historic agreement which enables a culture of trust to be built up between their two countries though I personally believe developing any kind of weapons will not help us or make us more peaceful.

The Middle East and the West can potentially do allot more economic and political progress.

If we have a solution for the palestine people which enables them to live in dignity, equality and sovereignty their is a lot of hope the West and the Middle East can definitely make progress.
The current measure with the Iranians shows alot of potential, if the Iranians keep their side of the bargain hopefully.

I welcome the historic nuclear deal which has been reached with Iran for the sake of peace, development and humanity.
May it be the first step towards a nuclear free middle east.

Being writer.

Being a writer doesn't task you with any political responsibility. The job of a writer is simply to WRITE. Writing alone is enough activism!

Ambassador Qaybe.

Today is a truly sad day for our country. We've lost a great Ambassador, a great politician. I believe he'll go down as the greatest Somali peacetime Ambassador.

Ahmed Mohamed Adan (Qaybe) was a heavyweight politician, an extraordinary man and a truly a great Ambassador; A man of principle, determination, strength & greatness. He will remain in our memories, and in history.

He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1956 and also he studied General Administration at Oxford.

He was Somalia's longest serving diplomat. Qaybe has died at the age of 84 in Hargeisa yesterday morning.

He served as Somalia's ambassador to Moscow (1961-1965), London (1975- 1980), Washington and the United Nation (1980-1985), Paris and he was the last Minister of Foreign Affairs of Siad Barre's government.

The late Ambassador was former speaker of Somaliland's House of Representatives and will be remembered as a peace loving person who worked hard in promoting peace.

I'm sending out my deepest condolences and prayers to his entire family and loved ones during this difficult time.

May Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus and may Allah grant patience and perseverance to the people closer to him. Aamen.

Monday, 2 December 2013

The world -Somalia.

The rest of the world is slowly coming together as one unified nation, creating "New World Order" yet we (Somalis) are breaking up now as a new states and every tribe is willing to have their own president while Somali people are suffering wherever they are. Somalis get killed, raped, robbed, criticise, blame, and accuse just because they are Somalis, Somali youth are dying in the seas while they looking for finding a better life, It's Somali women getting raped day in and day out while they were looking for a better life for themselves and children, It's our Somali businessmen who are getting killed and robbed while they trying to find a better life and their business.

Let's all remember that no matter our idealogical or political differences we have one similarity: being Somali, in the eyes of other people we are Somalis so please don't let our politicians divide us for their own political gain, They merely seek power for themselves, not us. Let us became a closer community of humanity.

As Somalis as a whole, we have a common responsibility to build a more peaceful society.
Anger, hatred and jealousy never solve problems, only affection, concern, respect, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness and a sense of self-discipline can do that.

The time we fought colonizers, we held our heads and trusted each other. This can happen again if we forgive each other and put aside our personal interest and this Qabiil mentality.

May Allah unify the hearts of our people and defeat our common enemy which are Tribalism, Injustice, Individualism, Bribery, Nepotism and Ignorance! Amen.

Must I be?

Must I be?

I stand here as a human being
Worthy of being loved and respect
Just as you are!
Yet, you look down on me
Claiming my blood line is impure.
That my bloodline has been contaminated by the corpses of dead animals
And that my people are savages and barbarians.
Only worthy of being recognized as second class citizens.

Our brothers are turned down by fathers who are concerned of maintaining the purity in their family’s blood line…
Yet, they happily give away their daughters to men who are of different faith and culture.

My sisters are constantly showered with words that have the ability to even tear apart a stone, let alone a human heart.
They call our people names such as Midgan, Tumal, Yibir, etc…

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam and fellow Somali
Must I be a Darood for you to answer my salam?
Must I be a Hawiye for you to see the on-going oppression on my family?
Must I be Isaaq for you to embrace me?
Must I subscribe to your tribe for you to help me?
Must I be from your qabil for you to advocate for my freedom?
Does my brother have to be from a particular "better" tribe in order for him to marry your daughter?
Do I have to be from a certain tribe for you to accept me as another human worthy of love and respect just as you are?
Must I be from a certain tribe to be able to receive Allah’s Mercy?
Must I be from a certain tribe for you to recognize me as yet another Muslim…

When will you stop attacking my faith?
When you will stop teaching your infants to start hating at such a tender age,
When will you Somalis stop sewing this hatred and qabilist mentality in our culture?
Must I be from your tribe for you to see the truth in this poem?
Must I be... - Halima Ahmed.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

A great LOSS for all of us.

Today is a truly sad day for our country. We've lost a great Ambassador, a great politician. I believe he'll go down as the greatest Somali peacetime Ambassador.

Ahmed Mohamed Adan (Qaybe) was a heavyweight politician, an extraordinary man and a truly a great Ambassador; A man of principle, determination, strength & greatness. He will remain in our memories, and in history.

He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1956 and also he studied General Administration at Oxford.

He was Somalia's longest serving diplomat. Qaybe has died at the age of 84 in Hargeisa yesterday morning.

He served as Somalia's ambassador to Moscow (1961-1965), London (1975- 1980), Washington and the United Nation (1980-1985), Paris and he was the last Minister of Foreign Affairs of Siad Barre's government.

The late Ambassador was former speaker of Somaliland's House of Representatives and will be remembered as a peace loving person who worked hard in promoting peace.

I'm sending out my deepest condolences and prayers to his entire family and loved ones during this difficult time.

May Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus and may Allah grant patience and perseverance to the people closer to him. Aamen.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Habalaha Geeska Africa

    HEESTA CAANBAXDEY ee "Hablaha Geeska Afrika", dad badanina laga yaabo inay si fiican ugu xusuustaan inuu ku luuqeyn jirey Khaliif Cismaan Cabdi 'Sayid Khaliifa,' heesaagii Kooxdii Iftiin ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Barbaarinta, - waa hees aanan weli la kulmin suugaan si la mid ah ugu xeel dheeraatey ammaanta dumarka Soomaaliyeed. Waa heesta kaliya ee aad ka heleyso inay taabanayso dhinac kasta nolosheenna kaalinta ay dumarku kaga jiraan nolosha bulshada, tan qoyska iyo qarankaba.

    Suugaanta Hadraawi oo lagu yaqaan inay qani ku tahay miisaan culus oo murti suugaaneed, in kasta oo dadka qaar ku dhaliilaan in maansooyinkiisu dhaadheer yihiin erayo af Soomaali ahaan culus oon la fahmayna laga helayo, hadana anigu ma arkin hees murti ahaan ka fasaaxo sarreysa, fahamkeeduna ka sahlan yahay, welibana xagga cabbirka iyo asteynta ujeedada ay ka hadlaysona uu si qoto dheer ugu dheeraadey.

    Tusaale ahaan waxa uu damcey inuu muujiyo kaalinta gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed iyo sida aan looga maarmin xilli-farxadeedka saman barwaaqo ah amaba nolosha kale ee rag & dumar ka dhaxaysa xilliga madadaalada iyo haasawaha guud ee caweysinka habeenkii. Sida aad ka arki doonto erayadiisa tuducan soo socda waxaa uu sawirayaa in fagaaro caweys ah oo dhallinyaro ku kulanto aanu waxba dhaamin meel cidla' ah amaba xabaalo ciirsi la’ ah haddii aanay gabdho joogin oo aanay goobtaa bileyn. Waxaana uu yiri:

    Gu´ hagaagay oo da´ay
    Dhulka geedo jiifaan
    Gurya-samo barwaaqa ah
    Haddii geeddi lagu furo
    Dhallinyaro is gurataa
    Gurdan raaca fiidkii
    Gole weyn ku kulantoo
    Cagta garan-garteediyo
    Isu geysa jiibkoo
    Googooska luuqdiyo
    Gedda sacabka loo jaro
    Hablahaa u gaaroo
    Garashada codkoodaa
    Qof gaboobey kicisoo
    Gelbiskiyo mashxaraddaa
    Gama´kaa ilaashee
    Haddaan gabari boodeyn
    Illayn gegi ciyaareed
    Wax ma dhaanto geeriyaad?

    Billowga heesta waxa uu daah fur ka dhiganayaa erayo uu kaga jawaabayo hadal suuqeed horraantii 70aadka soo baxay oo xan ahaan looga faafiyey beri musaafuris ahaan lagu geeyey degmada Qansax Dheere. Waxaana sida aan ku maqlay haddalladii laga sheegey ka mid ahaa in uu murtiguurey oo gabaygii iska daayey sidaasna isaga aamusey.

    Abwaan waa kii af-maal ahe waxa uu goostey inuu suugaantiisa isku difaaco oo iska caabiyo huuhaadii suuqa la mariyey, waxaana uu ararta heesta ka dhigtey tuduc uu abwaanimadiisa ku difaacayo isaga oo hoosta ka xariiqaya inay suugaantiisu nusqaanto ama dib u gurato ha joogtee inay haatanba hanaqaadkii iyo heerkeedii ugu wacnaa ku jirto. Waxaana uu qaybtan oo heesta billowgeeda ah ku yiri:

    Ma geyoon ma gamashiyin
    Ma gommodin ma gaagixin
    Ma gabloobin maan gurin
    Mana gabin halkaygii
    Gabaygiina maan deyn
    Imminkaan gardaadshoo
    Weli maan gunaanadin.
    Murti nimaam gunteediyo
    Baran gogol-dhiggeedoo
    Gonda degi aqoonoo
    Garab-daar lahayn baa
    Gawl-gawla hadalkoo
    Kolba dhinac garoocdee
    Sida Webi Ganaanoo
    Cirka godollo maaloo
    Biyihii ku gaaxdiyo
    Gebiyadii ku soo degey
    Ku darsaday gufaaciyo
    Guullaama diriroo
    Geli jabay habeenkii
    Kolba gacan ma soo rogay
    Quraciyo galoolkii
    Gunta xididka maw jaray
    Dhulka wada galaal iyo
    Gabbalaha ma kaga tegey
    Afartaa geddaydii
    Dhaha laygu garan jirey

    Dhaqanka Soomaalida waxaa meel sare kaga jira in ragga lagu ammaano halyey-nimadooda iyo dagaalyahannimada. Hase yeeshee geesi kasta ee wacdaro goobaha dagaal ka dhiga waxaa uu Hadraawi galladeeda siinayaa gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed oo ay u muuqato inuu leeyahay, ma ninbaa geesi kastuu yahay dhiggii iska caabin kara haddii aanay gabari guubaabo la daba socon oo aanay intaa ka hareer dagaalamayn. Ma nin baa halyeynimo diriri kara haddii aaney dhegihiisu maqlayn cod dumar oo guubaabin, geesinnimo gelin iyo kicin la hareer joogin. Waxa uu yiri:

    Gurmashada dagaalkiyo
    Gulufkiyo colaadaha
    Goobaha naf waagiyo
    Halka laysku gawraco
    Marka gorodda lays daro
    Haddaan dumarku goonyaha
    Guubaabo kicinayn
    Sida galowga dhiilloon
    Illayn geesi qayrkii
    Birta kuma gumaadeen!

    Haddana waxa uu u soo jeestey guriga lagu nool yahay, ee gabari joogto sida uu sacaado u leeyahay ee ay gabadhu nolol u geliso. Sida aanu gurigaasi habaas iyo xaab-ba u lahayn, sida uusan kud-kude iyo kutaan oo dhan u lahayn. Sida cayayaanka looga diley, sida uu u dugsoon yahay una udgoon badan yahay.

    Haddaan guudka laga jirin
    Gudihiisa xaabkiyo
    Cayayaanka laga gurin
    Marwo dumar garka u xidhan
    Illayn guri dugsoon ma leh?

    Dhinac kale oo isla aqalka ah ayuu markanna eegayaa waa marka gudaha aqalka loo galo iyo firaashka oo la isku weheshado, isaga oo muujinaya cidlada sariirtu leedahay haddii qofka aan lamaanihiisu ku wehlin. Waxaana uu suureynayaa haddii aaney gabari ninka ku wehlin gogosha sida aanu jiifka u qabanayn hurdona ugu istareexeyn oo uu intaa habeenkii oo dhan gebi-dhaclaynayo wehel la’aan ku dhamaysanayo. Wuxuu yiri:

    Gaadaha habeenkii
    Kelidaa galgalashiyo

    Ged-geddoonka dhalisoo
    Adigiyo go´aagaa
    Hadba dhinac u guuroo
    Barkintaad gabbood iyo
    Gaashaan ka dhigataa
    Haddaan guud haldhaaley
    Kolba gacan la saareyn
    Illayn gogoshu wehel ma leh?

    Abwaanku Nolosha guriga iyo gogosha kuma joogsane waxa uu sidoo kale daraasaynayaa kaalinta dumarku ku leeyihiin in ninku uu nolosha guud ahaan guul ka gaaro. Waxa uu qiimaynayaa saamaynta ay haweeneydu ku leedahay halganka ninkeeda iyo dhismaha qoyska oo haddii nasiibkiiisu siiyey ‘marwo garasho dheer’ uu baraaraha nolosha ku gaari karo. Waxa uu u qirayaa in haweeneyda wanaagsani ay tiir dhexaad reerka u tahay. Waxa uu qirayaa in haweeneyda ay ninka u tahay gaariga horumarka noloshiisa oo nimaan gaari qabin aanu nolosha ka guul keeni karin.

    Kuma galo adduunyada
    Ninna goonni-socodkoo
    Marwo garasho dheer baa
    Ninka raga u gudinoo
    Iyadaa guddoonkiyo
    Gadh-hayaa naftaadiyo
    Gaadiidka reerkiyo
    Gurgurshaaga noqotoo
    Arrin kula gorfaysee
    Haddaan gaari kula jirin
    Illayn noloshu guul ma leh?

    Dhinac kale oo heesta ah ayuu abwaan Hadraawi kaga hadlayaa kartida sarreysa ee gabadha Soomaaliyeed iyo sida qawmiyad kastaa ay ugu tiirsan tahay haweenka horumarna ku gaaraan kaalinta haweenkooda. Waxaa uu tibaaxayaa ku dheganaaanshaha dumarka Soomaaliyeed ee hiddahooda iyo sida haweeneydu ugu samirto dhaqankeeda wanaagsan ee aysan uga guurin illaa ay ka geeriyooto.Waxaa uu muujinayaa haybadooda qofnimo, hannaanka labiskooda iyo hallaasiga socodkooda. Degannida, hubqaadkooda, tallaabada iyo laafyaha xarragadooda, xishoodkiyo gebi ahaan garashadooda.

    Gocashada xanuunka leh
    Waxaan uga gol leeyahay
    Go'i waa barbaareey
    Gobi waxay ku dhaqantaa
    Garab waxay ka dhigataa
    Gallad waxay ku dheeftaa
    Samo waxay ku gaadhaa
    Golollada haweenkee
    Hiddaheena gaarka ah
    Hablihii gabowgiyo
    Geerida ku sugi jiray
    Hablihii garayskiyo
    Xidhan jirey guntiinada
    Hablihii gu' iyo dayr
    Sida baarqab golongolay
    Dhexda xadhig ku goyn jirey
    Hablihii garaaraha
    Gaatan-socodka laafyaha
    Sida gorayga ciideed
    Gelbin jirey tallaabada
    Hablihii gun iyo baar
    Isha gacalo-eegtaa
    Gama' aanay ledi jirin
    Hablii talada guunkiyo
    Gunti jirey xishoodkee
    Hadalkoodu gaabnaa
    Hablihii gef hooyiyo
    Qarsan jirey guhaadee
    Hadday godollo soomaan
    Ama gaajo liitaan
    Cidi aanay garan jirin
    Hablihii gammaan faras
    Iyo geela ugubka ah
    Guur doon ka bixin jirey
    Hablihii Gargaariyo
    Guuleed ku curan jirey
    Goldaloolo iyo ceeb
    Hablihii ka guban jirey
    Hablahaan gankoodiyo
    Hilbahooda gadi jirin
    Haddii aad gujeysaan
    Guul guul ku laysaan
    Godol qudha ku mooddaan
    Gabbalkooda dumisaan
    Hadba tooda goosha ah
    Ganacdeeda jabisaan
    Dadku gabanna xooriyo
    Garracyaley yidhaahdaan
    Inagoo gumowniyo
    Dhaqan guurey weeyee

    Qodob kalena waa farriin iyo digniin uu siinayo ragga, isagoo hoga tusaalaynaya inaaney dhaqan xumayn iyo sharaf dil ku samayn dumarkeenna. Waxaana uu ku boorrinyaa inay raggu ka sariigtaan uga dan bogashada gabdhaheenna ee si aan sharciga iyo dhaqanka wanaagsanba waafaqsanayn. Waxaana uu ka digayaa indhaqan xuma kasta ee ninku kula kaco gabdhaha ay tahay xisaab u qoran oo meel u taalla oo uu galab kale ka sheekeyn, ayn ka go’an tahay godob uu naftiisa iyo qoyskiisa ka galay oo ka go’an gabdhihiisa iyo xaasaskiisaba.

    Gocashada xanuunka leh
    Waxaan uga gol leeyahay
    Godob aabbe falay baa
    Ubadkiisa gocondhiyo
    Gumar shidan ku noqotoo
    Gebi dheer ku dumisee
    Ninka inan ma geyda ah
    Golqaniin ku maalee
    Gurrac kaga danaystow
    Waxaad gaaxsanaysiyo
    Gashigaad cunaysiyo
    Xumahaad geleysaa
    Ruuxay ka go’an tahay
    Gabadhaada weeyee
    Gefka aad falaysiyo
    Waxaad geysanaysaad
    Galab kale ka sheekeyn.

    Tuduca ugu dambeeya heesta waxa ay gunaanadaysaa kartidii gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed oo si guud mar ah uu tilmaan uga bixinayo halyeynimada geesinnimadooda, kartidooda, garashadooda quruxdooda iyo kaalinta ay bulshada kaga jiraan, wuxuuna u muuqdaa mid leh dumarkeennu waxa ay horyaal u yihiin dumarkasta mana jirto geyi kale oo laga helaya dumar gaara gabdhaheenna.

    Gebagebada sheekada
    Bal aan soo gunaanado
    Guddoonsiiyo jiiftada
    Gabigeed adduunyada
    Gobol-gobol u qaadoo
    Hablo weerar geli kara
    Hablo geela dhicin kara
    Hablo geesi dili kara
    Gobonimana hanan kara
    Hablo talada goyn kara
    Garta madal ka niqi kara
    Garashana iskaga mida
    Quruxdana ka wada gob ah

    Geesteena mooyee
    Gayi kale ma joogaan.

Friday, 8 November 2013


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" ('We belong to Allah and to Him do we return,').
One cannot find words to mourn the loss of such a great civil servant and great human being but silence at such a great calamity is not an option from a fellow Somali.

Death is part of life and everyone will go one day sooner or later.

I remembered this proverb " Geeri nin aadan garaynin ayay ku wacan tahay. Death is a commonplace only when it happens to people you don't know." 

Abdiqadir Adan Ali known as (Dhuub) was killed by terrorist attack targeted at Hotel Makkah Al-Mukarama in Mogadishu tonight. He was former TFG envoy to the Uk and one of the most influential Somali Community leaders.  

He was the brother of Qamar Aden Ali ex Health Minister who also killed in terrorist attack in 2009 at Shamo Hotel. She sacrificed her life for Somalia.
May Allah SWT give her his Mercy and lead her to Jannah. Amen.

I Honestly don't know what to say , I'm speechless ..... those criminals will get whats coming to them someday InshaAllah!

My deepest condolences to his family at this difficult time.

May Allah help and give them strength during this very difficult time and grant him Jannatul Firdaus and may Allah grant patience and perseverance to the people closer to him. Aamen.

I condemn this horrific attack and  sending my heartily condolences to those innocents who lost their life and wishing quick recovery for the injured.

He was was one of the greatest man in our local community and will always be.

Please make dua for him that Allah swt bless him and forgive him, and raise his ranks in Jannah, Ameen.

Friday, 1 November 2013

I came from a country where there is nothing but broken dreams.

I come from a country where there's nothing but broken dreams. I'm from Somalia. Everyone there is an "upcoming president or MP" trying to make a name for themselves, but not many face the reality that not everyone can become President. Believe me In order us (Somalis) to be successful, we have to leave the sick mentality, We should board the flight from war, poverty, hatred, ignorance, tribalism, corruption individualism, accusing, blaming, independent extremism to prosperity, unity. love, education, patriotic, good-governance, brotherhood and respect for the rule of law.
My country Somalia is a country full of broken dreams, there are a lot of youngsters who have goals and ambition in life but unfortunately their future depends on those who called themselves "Politicians". I don't want them (the youngsters) to be a victim of that country once again. 

Lets us join hands in crushing the enemy of our people/Land which are Tribalism, Injustice, Bribery, Nepotism. Individualism and Ignorance!

Anniversary of the adoption of the Somali flag.

Today marks the 59th anniversary of the adoption of the flag of the Somali people. 
The flag was created by Somali scholar Mohammed Awale Liban after he had been selected by the Somali labour trade union to come up with a design in preparation for independence. It was officially adopted on October 12, 1954.

Liban chose the blue color to represent the United Nations who helped Somalis reach their dream of independence, the white color represented peace and prosperity, the five-pointed white Star of Unity in its centre represents the Somali ethnic group found in Djibouti, the Somali Western region in Ethiopia, the North Eastern Province in Kenya, and the former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland territories ( present-day Somalia) which had been divided by the colonial powers.

Today the Somali flag is seen in every place all over the country but it flies not for the whole nation but for communities and tribes. It has to regain its lost dignity by uniting under the banner of Somali nation.

My dear flag 
Fly high in sound style 
Flap for all of Somalia 
Beside you I always stand 
To guard and protect you 
To keep you away from harm 
Though warlords reviled you 
You are still the symbol of glory 
You are the bedrock of Somali unity 
Keep fluttering in the air of freedom.


Somalia is like a movie and the whole world is viewing it.

Today I asked two people who were non Somalis to tell me what is the first thing that comes into their minds when they hear name Somalia.
I got two completely different answers.

One said "Piracy, Terrorism, Failed State, Famine, Hunger, Al-Shabaab.

While the other one said "beautiful girls, hard working people, Mo Farah, K'NAAN and so on."

But did they forget that Somalia was once one of the greatest nations in Africa with one of the finest and bravest military in the world.

No words can describe how tremendously I love the land of opportunity, the nation of poets, Somalia. 
My love for Somalia has no limit.
It is timeless, spaceless, formless, unshakable, unbreakable, unmatched and undefined. 

My biggest hope is to see Somalia at peace with itself and its neighbours. A new Somalia without tribalism, injustice, civil-war, federalism, famine, corruption and extremism. InshaAllah. 

We (Somalis) should know that we are kings and queens and Africa is our Kingdom.

Baledwayne Terror Attack. .

What happened yesterday in Beledwayne makes me deeply sad and shows that human stupidity and nastiness has no limits.

I express my deepest sympathy and sorrow for those who lost their lives and I wish speedy return to health for the survivors of the barbaric attack in Baladwayne, Somalia yesterday. 
There is no justification for killing innocent people.
Only Allah (SWT) can take lives... Attacking and Killing innocent people in the name of Religion is Completely wrong and is like killing whole humanity which is prohibited in Islam.

Common Alshabab Jihad is not terrorising and killing innocent people and causing chaos.
Jihad is the inner struggle by a believer to fulfil his religious duties.
And the struggle against persecution and oppression.

Somalia will rise up from the rebel and will resume its dignity, the tribalism will be defeated and all Somalis will be united again.

We Somalis should united against all those who terrorize the innocents and those who permit the killing of innocent Somalis.

May ALLAH grant jannah for those who killed in act and give health to those who are injured.

Alshabab will be defeated. If not here on earth, they shall be defeated in afterlife. They shall suffer the wrath of Allah.

Let us join together and pray for our brothers and sisters in Somalia.
May Allah(S.W) be with them and give them a lasting peace and prosperity.

Unanswered question.

I have been asking this question myself for the past 6 years. Why are we (Somalis) so rich in culture but so poor in leadership?

Ruhila Adatia.

I just heard that Ruhila Adatia was among those innocents who lost their live in the terror attack in Nairobi at Westgate Mall a month ago.
This brought a fresh load of sadness and tears to me that I can't even begin to describe.

I remembered this proverb " Geeri nin aanadgaranayn iyo geeljire ayay ku wacan tahay. Death is a commonplace only when it happens to camel-herders and to people you don't know." 

She was such a fun loving, great person and a good friend of mine. 
Ruhila Adatia was seven months pregnant with her first child at the time of her death.

Ending my condolences to the family of a great woman and journalist Ruhila Adatia Sood. R.I.P Ruhila Adatia Sood. May ALLAH (SW) Give your family and your loved ones the courage and strength to bear this huge loss. #Ruhila Adita I will always remember you.

Black history of how the works developed on the back of slaves.

A black history of how the world developed on the back of slaves. Top 6 Countries That Grew Filthy Rich From Enslaving Black People.
Slavery transformed America into an economic power. The exploitation of black people for free labor made the South the richest and most politically powerful region in the country. British demand for American cotton made the southern stretch of the Mississippi River the Silicon Valley of its era, boasting the single largest concentration of the nation’s millionaires.

But slavery was a national enterprise. Many firms on Wall Street such as JPMorgan Chase, New York Life and now-defunct Lehman Brothers made fortunes from investing in the slave trade the most profitable economic activity in New York’s 350 year history. Slavery was so important to the city that New York was one of the most pro-slavery urban municipalities in the North.

According to Harper’s magazine (November 2000), the United States stole an estimated $100 trillion for 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6 percent.



It was Such an honor & privilege meeting Hadraawi and got a copy of his book , the Somali Shakespeare, the most talented poet of his time.

Hadraawi is a well respected Somali poet who has for decades contributed to the richness of the Somali poetry, art and culture.

May he live long, prosper, and be in health. Amen.

Self hate is sickness.

This is the most insane thing I have ever heard of. Be grateful for ability to see, not what color your eyes are. Poor girl now blind after implants. 

I will never be unhappy with the way ALLAH (SWT) created me and I love the way he created me indeed. 

I truly do feel sorry for any woman who can't feel comfortable in her natural state and own skin. Self hate is a sickness.

"Love yourself first then the world will learn to love you more."#Advice



I just spent 3 hours on the phone with the most beautiful, caring, the most patient, selfless, kind, friendly, hard-working, supportive and sweet hearted woman in this World. I am guessing a lot of you are asking themselves who this woman could be. She is my beautiful mother (The woman , who gave up her teenage life up for me . The women who brought me out to this world and she is the reason I see the world as I see it).

The love I have for my mother will never come close to any other woman, I believe I am rich because of how much time, love, her daily example she has invested so much in me and the sacrifices she has made for my benefit. Having a mother is one huge blessing.... its sad how people misuse such a privilege. I had nothing else to say, but Alhamdulillah, for my mother, (hooyo) the best gift I've ever had and ever will. 

I wish one day my future daughter would be at least half of the caring, compassionate, empathetic, beautifully souled woman my mother is.

I'm so privileged to have such a mother.

Unanswered question!

This question has been asked over and and over again a lot of times, but has always remained unanswered. 

Why Somalis are considered Arabs since they are genetically Africans?
Why some of our people are more Arabs then the Arabs? 

Some say because Somalia is part of the Arab League? So, Could that make us an Arab? 
I personally believe NO. But I heard that it was Somali government in the 70s that thought it would be good for trade and they lobbied their long history and connection with the Arab world to get in. The government even made Arabic the official language of the state, i think It was for political and economical support. Where the government of Somalia portrayed Somalia as an Arab speaking state (90% of Somali's can't speak Arabic), when Somalia was lobbying to enter the Arab league.

For Somalia, the Arab league served as a geo-political purpose. The league was based on an interrelation of politics and geography for Somalia. It was based on the combination of politics/economy/religion for Somalia. 

I would love to hear/read your view on this.

Monday, 28 October 2013


There are six types of Somali Women LISTED below, For the guys, I want to know which is your favorable pick and for the girls I would love to see which category you place yourself in. It's not to say this ALL, in the name of creativity feel free to post a character, it's qualities and cautions if required. 

(a) She is very religious
(b) Listens to BBC Somali
(c) She only knows how to read and write Somali
(d) She is very tribal
(e) She knows everybody and their tribe
(f) Wears big jilbaab
(g) For her, there is nothing called 'Date' and anyone interested in her should come to her parent's home officially.
She is one of those girl that most N American Somalis men marry when they go back home only to realize later that the poor girl can't differentiate between a Piriton and an Aspirin!
(a) She's over 30 and still single
(b) Economically, she's all good
(c) She drives a RAV4 or a Pathfinder
(d) She's suspicious of all men.
She has seen every men and their tricks. So be careful with her. Dont be the idiot who tried to talk to her with some tired lines. Be creative.
(a) You will probably spot her wearing jeans
(b) She hangs out around starbucks or you will spot her checkin for shoes she never buys at David Jones or Myer
(c) She's subscriber's to the COSMO, PEOPLE or VOGUE
(d) She knows Tom Cruise's middle name
(e) First time you meet her she gives you some concocted names like Rasina, Intisar, Tahani, or even Ishawaq untill you realize she's called Fadumo
(f) She just finished reading Dennis Lehane's 'Mystic River' and is she's currently reading Steven levitts 'Freakonomics'.
The problem with this kind of girls is not that can you date her, the problem should be can you maintain her?. For example, you can take her out to a restaurant and you order the good old coke and fries and there she goes ordering Veggie Lasagna with Jamocha Shake and toppings. Next day your wallet will be hospitalized for severe bankruptcy. I'm not joking guys!
(a) She probably finished high school
(b) She acts hard to get even if she's dieing for you
(c) She lives with her Hooyo
(d) She listens to Jubba and Samatar
(e) She hangs around with her friends which makes it hard for boys to approach her
(f) She says no to first dates (as if first dates should be turned down from the men automatically)
It's not easy to GET this girl and the only way is if you tell her you love her very much. She will trust you until she catches you cheating and she will never forgive you in her entire life!
(a) Every teenage boy knows her
(b) You will spot her in every wedding videos and parties
(c) If there's rumor that tonight party is cancelled, the whole town calls
her to confirm the lie
(d) Easy to hook-up with
She's falling in love with more men than she care to drop and that's why she's getting played. Guys, easy on her though, she's got a clean heart.
(a) She's always in the middle of the Boys
(b) She watches soccer
(c) She know Ronaldo's first name
(d) Like a true boy, she changes the lighting bulb at home
(e) She's the one who answers the door bell every time it rings,
(f) Probably this girl is a virgin
She's more of a boy than a girl
P.s I did NOT write this, I came across it and thought I would share

Two Norwegian Somali sisters run away to wage jihad in Syria.

"European humanitarian generosity  to Somalia have had some unintended, and unwelcome, consequences, as dozens of young ethnic Somalis living here have embraced jihad".

It's very sad and shocking news to hear that two somali sisters age 16 and 19 left their family in Norway clamming they are going to help the people in Syria.


Why these innocents sisters would give up a secure and comfortable life in one of the world's richest countries?  It is a mental journey and hard to explain.

I don't have words to express how difficult this is for the (Somali) community. 

I wouldn't expecting a Somali girl would travel to a place where there is war and don’t have any connection whatsoever.

The so called "Alqaeda/Alshabab interpret Islam the way they want for their benefit and opportunists
We are all brothers and sister, humans, Muslims/Non-Muslims so Never exploit someone for your personal gain.

No one is dying  the existence of jihad but the question is do we really understand the real meaning of JIHAD.  JIHAD is an Arabic word that means, " to Strive, to Succeed with determnation on anything you wish to accomplish" JIHAD doesn't mean WAR or violence.
Total dedication to Allah (SW), like spending in the course of Allah, contribution to humanity.

It also Jihad means the struggle be on the righteous path to became a better Muslim. It doesn't mean terrorist, it doesn't mean kill every non-Muslim you see or blow everyone up.

Islam teaches us to feel compassionate for all mankind, to love, peace and compassion for everyone.

With the number of misguided young Somalis seeking to travel to troubled lands in search of becoming Shaheed ( a martyr) is becoming higher and higher everyday. 

We Somalis (Families) should send out to these misguided youngsters a clear message saying that they must expect no support from their parents/Homeland if they travel joining these wrong guys. 

Idealistic youngsters go to places like Syria/Somalia in the belief that they are on a great mission and then when it goes wrong them or their families squeal for help. Go to a war zone or any other place and you're on your own.

"Extremism in all its forms is nasty and has a self destructive property … the truth is moderation will always prevail," Ajmal Masroor .

May ALLAH (SW) guide these innocents sisters to the right path Amen. 

Let me conclude this Hadith. 
"Beware of going to extremes in religious matters, for those who came before you were destroyed because of going to extremes in religious matters." (Sahih).  - Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Source: Sunan An Nasai Book 24 Hadith 3070