Friday 1 November 2013


I just spent 3 hours on the phone with the most beautiful, caring, the most patient, selfless, kind, friendly, hard-working, supportive and sweet hearted woman in this World. I am guessing a lot of you are asking themselves who this woman could be. She is my beautiful mother (The woman , who gave up her teenage life up for me . The women who brought me out to this world and she is the reason I see the world as I see it).

The love I have for my mother will never come close to any other woman, I believe I am rich because of how much time, love, her daily example she has invested so much in me and the sacrifices she has made for my benefit. Having a mother is one huge blessing.... its sad how people misuse such a privilege. I had nothing else to say, but Alhamdulillah, for my mother, (hooyo) the best gift I've ever had and ever will. 

I wish one day my future daughter would be at least half of the caring, compassionate, empathetic, beautifully souled woman my mother is.

I'm so privileged to have such a mother.

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