Friday 1 November 2013

Ruhila Adatia.

I just heard that Ruhila Adatia was among those innocents who lost their live in the terror attack in Nairobi at Westgate Mall a month ago.
This brought a fresh load of sadness and tears to me that I can't even begin to describe.

I remembered this proverb " Geeri nin aanadgaranayn iyo geeljire ayay ku wacan tahay. Death is a commonplace only when it happens to camel-herders and to people you don't know." 

She was such a fun loving, great person and a good friend of mine. 
Ruhila Adatia was seven months pregnant with her first child at the time of her death.

Ending my condolences to the family of a great woman and journalist Ruhila Adatia Sood. R.I.P Ruhila Adatia Sood. May ALLAH (SW) Give your family and your loved ones the courage and strength to bear this huge loss. #Ruhila Adita I will always remember you.

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