Friday 1 November 2013


Somalia is like a movie and the whole world is viewing it.

Today I asked two people who were non Somalis to tell me what is the first thing that comes into their minds when they hear name Somalia.
I got two completely different answers.

One said "Piracy, Terrorism, Failed State, Famine, Hunger, Al-Shabaab.

While the other one said "beautiful girls, hard working people, Mo Farah, K'NAAN and so on."

But did they forget that Somalia was once one of the greatest nations in Africa with one of the finest and bravest military in the world.

No words can describe how tremendously I love the land of opportunity, the nation of poets, Somalia. 
My love for Somalia has no limit.
It is timeless, spaceless, formless, unshakable, unbreakable, unmatched and undefined. 

My biggest hope is to see Somalia at peace with itself and its neighbours. A new Somalia without tribalism, injustice, civil-war, federalism, famine, corruption and extremism. InshaAllah. 

We (Somalis) should know that we are kings and queens and Africa is our Kingdom.

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