Friday 1 November 2013

I came from a country where there is nothing but broken dreams.

I come from a country where there's nothing but broken dreams. I'm from Somalia. Everyone there is an "upcoming president or MP" trying to make a name for themselves, but not many face the reality that not everyone can become President. Believe me In order us (Somalis) to be successful, we have to leave the sick mentality, We should board the flight from war, poverty, hatred, ignorance, tribalism, corruption individualism, accusing, blaming, independent extremism to prosperity, unity. love, education, patriotic, good-governance, brotherhood and respect for the rule of law.
My country Somalia is a country full of broken dreams, there are a lot of youngsters who have goals and ambition in life but unfortunately their future depends on those who called themselves "Politicians". I don't want them (the youngsters) to be a victim of that country once again. 

Lets us join hands in crushing the enemy of our people/Land which are Tribalism, Injustice, Bribery, Nepotism. Individualism and Ignorance!

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