Friday 1 November 2013

Baledwayne Terror Attack. .

What happened yesterday in Beledwayne makes me deeply sad and shows that human stupidity and nastiness has no limits.

I express my deepest sympathy and sorrow for those who lost their lives and I wish speedy return to health for the survivors of the barbaric attack in Baladwayne, Somalia yesterday. 
There is no justification for killing innocent people.
Only Allah (SWT) can take lives... Attacking and Killing innocent people in the name of Religion is Completely wrong and is like killing whole humanity which is prohibited in Islam.

Common Alshabab Jihad is not terrorising and killing innocent people and causing chaos.
Jihad is the inner struggle by a believer to fulfil his religious duties.
And the struggle against persecution and oppression.

Somalia will rise up from the rebel and will resume its dignity, the tribalism will be defeated and all Somalis will be united again.

We Somalis should united against all those who terrorize the innocents and those who permit the killing of innocent Somalis.

May ALLAH grant jannah for those who killed in act and give health to those who are injured.

Alshabab will be defeated. If not here on earth, they shall be defeated in afterlife. They shall suffer the wrath of Allah.

Let us join together and pray for our brothers and sisters in Somalia.
May Allah(S.W) be with them and give them a lasting peace and prosperity.

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