Friday 8 November 2013


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" ('We belong to Allah and to Him do we return,').
One cannot find words to mourn the loss of such a great civil servant and great human being but silence at such a great calamity is not an option from a fellow Somali.

Death is part of life and everyone will go one day sooner or later.

I remembered this proverb " Geeri nin aadan garaynin ayay ku wacan tahay. Death is a commonplace only when it happens to people you don't know." 

Abdiqadir Adan Ali known as (Dhuub) was killed by terrorist attack targeted at Hotel Makkah Al-Mukarama in Mogadishu tonight. He was former TFG envoy to the Uk and one of the most influential Somali Community leaders.  

He was the brother of Qamar Aden Ali ex Health Minister who also killed in terrorist attack in 2009 at Shamo Hotel. She sacrificed her life for Somalia.
May Allah SWT give her his Mercy and lead her to Jannah. Amen.

I Honestly don't know what to say , I'm speechless ..... those criminals will get whats coming to them someday InshaAllah!

My deepest condolences to his family at this difficult time.

May Allah help and give them strength during this very difficult time and grant him Jannatul Firdaus and may Allah grant patience and perseverance to the people closer to him. Aamen.

I condemn this horrific attack and  sending my heartily condolences to those innocents who lost their life and wishing quick recovery for the injured.

He was was one of the greatest man in our local community and will always be.

Please make dua for him that Allah swt bless him and forgive him, and raise his ranks in Jannah, Ameen.

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