Monday 28 October 2013

Two Norwegian Somali sisters run away to wage jihad in Syria.

"European humanitarian generosity  to Somalia have had some unintended, and unwelcome, consequences, as dozens of young ethnic Somalis living here have embraced jihad".

It's very sad and shocking news to hear that two somali sisters age 16 and 19 left their family in Norway clamming they are going to help the people in Syria.

Why these innocents sisters would give up a secure and comfortable life in one of the world's richest countries?  It is a mental journey and hard to explain.

I don't have words to express how difficult this is for the (Somali) community. 

I wouldn't expecting a Somali girl would travel to a place where there is war and don’t have any connection whatsoever.

The so called "Alqaeda/Alshabab interpret Islam the way they want for their benefit and opportunists
We are all brothers and sister, humans, Muslims/Non-Muslims so Never exploit someone for your personal gain.

No one is dying  the existence of jihad but the question is do we really understand the real meaning of JIHAD.  JIHAD is an Arabic word that means, " to Strive, to Succeed with determnation on anything you wish to accomplish" JIHAD doesn't mean WAR or violence.
Total dedication to Allah (SW), like spending in the course of Allah, contribution to humanity.

It also Jihad means the struggle be on the righteous path to became a better Muslim. It doesn't mean terrorist, it doesn't mean kill every non-Muslim you see or blow everyone up.

Islam teaches us to feel compassionate for all mankind, to love, peace and compassion for everyone.

With the number of misguided young Somalis seeking to travel to troubled lands in search of becoming Shaheed ( a martyr) is becoming higher and higher everyday. 

We Somalis (Families) should send out to these misguided youngsters a clear message saying that they must expect no support from their parents/Homeland if they travel joining these wrong guys. 

Idealistic youngsters go to places like Syria/Somalia in the belief that they are on a great mission and then when it goes wrong them or their families squeal for help. Go to a war zone or any other place and you're on your own.

"Extremism in all its forms is nasty and has a self destructive property … the truth is moderation will always prevail," Ajmal Masroor .

May ALLAH (SW) guide these innocents sisters to the right path Amen. 

Let me conclude this Hadith. 
"Beware of going to extremes in religious matters, for those who came before you were destroyed because of going to extremes in religious matters." (Sahih).  - Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Source: Sunan An Nasai Book 24 Hadith 3070

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