Wednesday 9 October 2013

The lost paradise (Somalia).

I have been blessed in many ways, and one of those is to have been born in Somalia (The land of opportunity, The nation of poet) Alhamdullilah. 
Being from Somalia is the best thing that could have ever, ever happened to me. I cannot see it any other way. All of my fundamental principles that were instilled in me in my home, from my childhood are still with me.
Somalia will always be in my heart.
Somalia is/was and will always be a true paradise on earth and we have lost it.
You know why i said that because is 

Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa, with 3,700km. 

The beauty of the Somali is well known throughout the world. When the European colonists landed on the shores of East Africa, they were generally shocked and discovered that the ethnic Somali was a completely different group of people in Africa. Their features, culture, height, language was something they have not seen it before. Many just dubbed the Somali "The beautiful race". 

One British general who was sent there on an expedition wrote:

"Of all the races of Africa, there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest: the Somalis. Every individual Somali fights to stay himself, a person… The Somali fumed under discipline and loved the irregular life, the scattered patrol and the lone effort which might bring him to individual notice, to recognition for what he might achieve on his own."

Somali people are very unique race. Somalia covers the single biggest territorial land of any ethnic group in Africa.

Somali women are beautiful, strong and very demanding. Somali women also produced the single biggest number of super models in any ethnic group in Africa, to date more than 20 internationally known models. They are also hard workers, hustlers and business minded. 

Somalia - is the only nation in Africa with the opportunity to have seven (7) different line of businesses that can generate BILLIONS of dollars - 1- Agriculture. 2- Energy. 3- Fishery. 4-Livestock. 5- Minerals. 6-Tourism industry. 7- Oil and many more but unfortunately Somalia is missing the main ingredient or component to make this happen, it's called "people". Somalia, is a great nation with the worst people.

Where are on the way to recovery from civil war, starvation, drought, poverty, violence & corruption so please let's promote the positive image of Somalia.

But remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. If all of us forgive each other and contribute to the well being of our nation and our people we can bring back that paradise.  

If we want to bring back that lost lost paradise we should board the flight from war, poverty, hatred, ignorance, tribalism, corruption individualism, accusing, blaming, independent extremism to prosperity, unity. love, education, patriotic, good-governance, brotherhood and respect for the rule of law.

Lets us join hands in crushing the enemy of our people/Land which are tribalist, warlords, separatists, individualist, injustice, bribery, nepotism, ignorance and our enemies both domestic and abroad.

My hope is to see Somalia at peace with itself and its neighbours, a new Somalia without Tribalism, Injustice, Civil-war, federalism, Famine, Corruption and extremism. InshaAllah. 

We (Somalis) should know that we are kings and queens and Africa is our Kingdom.

#Somalia Hanoo Laato Hana Israacdo. Amen. 

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