Sunday 1 September 2013

The Economist clueless and racist

The Economist "Somalis in Britain: They are the largest refugee population, are among the poorest, worst-educated & least-employed" 


This is an ignorant piece if misinformation that demonstrates once again what has become of The Economist.

What a narrow minded article, This is beyond offensive, wrong, foul and ignorant. I wonder the person who wrote this has any brain cells to think constructively! This article is simply not telling the truth. 

There are many small minded people out here. generalising an entire community as a specific stereotype isn't "progress" to me and it's absolutely ridiculous.

Humans tend to jump to conclusions based on insufficient information.

This article is far from the truth. Totally generalizing. Its embarrassing/TERRIBLE  & SO UNTRUE.
Seeing all this racism is really killing me inside. Pure ignorance.

Somalis are one of the most entrepreneurial people in the world. We established successful and competitive businesses in here (The Uk. 

Somalis are ambitions and very  hard working people. 

We (Somalis) make positive contributions to the British society: whether it is great ideas, a hard-working ethic, delicious food and so on.

The staggering statistics shown by economist was not only demoralising but shocking to many. As every other communities we have our pros and cons. Siginificant number of shops were opened by Somalis living in UK since they arrived in large number in1990s as we are business minded people, and the economic contribution they are making are unprecedented comparing to the other communities, the businesses Somali community in UK are running varies and are increasing in large numbers day after day. It could be claimed that we contribute more than other communities, sadly the income we generate from our busniesses were heavily invested on properties in Dubai and Nairobi and rarely been invested on our children. Unless we recognise that human investment is more palatable than property investment. The staggering statictics revealed by economist would exacerbate.

Signs of racial discrimination can be surprisingly overt in some cases. People who openly announce their agreement with racial generalizations, such as “All Asian people are bad drivers,” are engaging in overt racism. Calling a person or a group by a derogatory name that denotes race may be another clear sign of a racial problem.

a journalist that promotes hatred and rascism to this extent , this is disgusting rubbish.
I would like the name of the journalist, the economist has just placed itself in the gutter.
How can we protest collectively to have an apology?

The journalist/s involved and the editor who allowed it should be sacked for gross incompetence.

What do you think of this article?

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