Thursday 5 September 2013

Kenyan MPs have approved a motion to leave the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Kenyan MPs have approved a motion to leave the International Criminal Court (ICC) 

MPs have every right to demonstrate their political support, but they should be cautious about actions that may boomerang on the intended beneficiaries. 

Kenyatta and Ruto have insisted on their respect for the ICC and have made it clear they will continue to co-operate with it despite having risen to the highest offices in the land. The ICC, in turn, has given the accused certain latitudes, including allowing them to defend themselves while not in custody.

I ask myself sometimes that does the I.C.C founded to deal with war criminals from third world countries? American, French, England etc. All west criminals are decorated usually with Nobel prize. Is that fair?

the ICC is toothless as far as prosecuting the real criminals are concerned-  how come George Bush and Tony Blair are still walking free despite illegally invading a nation state and killing thousands of innocent people, Bush,Cheney, Blair, Straw etc were not even questioned about their War crimes while Saif al Islam Gaddafi and Uhuru Kenyatta only committed so-called crimes against humanity in their own country have been indicted before the ICC? As far as I can see, Sudan has refused to send Albashir to the Hague while Uhuru Kenyatta has visited several member countries of the ICC

So, it tends to be a hammer to beat-up weaker nations - mainly in Africa. Disgraceful.

The I.C.C will have a job with credibility as long as Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Rove, Feith, Libby and the other War Criminals do not face the International Criminal Court for their mass killings of civilians who had done nothing. 

I applaud the Kenyan Parliament's decision.

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