Wednesday 4 September 2013

President Hassan: the IC has not yet fulfilled what they promised us

Mogadishu ( speaking at yesterdays grand national conference held in Mogadishu, the president of the federal republic of Somalia Mr. Hassan Sheikh said that the international community did not fulfill promises they pledged to support his government.

Mr. Mohamud added that lack of funds catalyzed the government outreach to various parts of the country.

“The government cannot perform key responsibilities to its citizens because the international community has not fulfilled promises they made except Turkey” said Hassan who read a long lecture in front of attendants.

The president also added that it was a hard task to hold a democratic general election by the end of his term which will end in 2016.

A five day national meeting kick started in Mogadishu yesterday which was attended by politicians, intellectuals and traditional elders from various parts of the country.

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