Thursday 6 February 2014

Somalia lost one of greatest national servants and freedom fighters.

Preparations are now under way for a national funeral to mourn the life of one of #Somalia's greatest national servants and freedom fighters who dedicated his life to the people of the great nation of Somalia.

According to what I am hearing from
Mogadishu - Former Prime Minister Abdirisak Haji Hussein will be laid to rest next to Adan Adde who was the first President of the Somali Republic,(served from July 1, 1960 to June 10, 1967).

A grateful nation will honor one of its finest sons, He is among the last from a Genuine era with genuine leadership skills. His mark on Somalia will never be forgotten and I believe Somalia has lost one of its few great elders.

He is remembered as one of the efficient government leaders Somalia has had. Together with Aden Abdulle, Hussein democratically surrendered power when his boss lost a presidential contest in July 1967.

He is also remembered as a long term activist of SYL in the struggle for independence.

He had also served as the representative of the pre-independence Somali Interim Government (1956-1960) at the United Nations in New York.

When Somalia gained independence in 1960, Mr Hussein contested for a parliamentary seat and became an MP. 

Abdirisak was respected statesman among all generations.

I am wishing all the so called Somali politicians and leaders could take something from the leadership of #Abdirisak . Very rich legacy will live on way beyond our future,  for generations and hope that it will motivate a new generation of Somali leaders dedicated to peace, unity and public service.  

May Allah (swt) grant him Jannah and give sabr to his beloved family. Amen.

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