Saturday, 26 July 2014

The balance between unacceptable and acceptable in the world needs to be maintained. Naturally when a far reaching medium such as the social brings us social networking sites that spice up our lives a little, it also attracts the fractious few of society. Some of the things that could lead to potential social fragmentations. 

Today we are in juncture where we get information in a glimpse of eye thanks to particularly Facebook and Twitter. However the flip side of the coin attracts members of our society who I would like them to think before they interfere others space.

Today young Aar Maanta wrote "every gun man belongs to a clan in Somalia" referring to the death of saada A Warsame who has been shot dead at the Somali capital today. Many people translated this as clan attack which I certainly know that wasn't Aar's intention. And of course every gun men in Somalia belongs to a clan.

At the same day, knaan wrote "The killer of saada Ali do not share some religion with me" referring to Al-Shabaab. After this comment many accused him for being non- believer. Regally, can't take you serious.

Some of us has been forced not even write or share their views of events and what is happening around the world due to our deficit of understand and accommodating different views.

It is perfectly fine to ask someone to elaborate what they wrote if you are not sure what it means. Before judgement which can have impact on someone.

Therefore, my sincere advice to those who comments on others posts, please seek advice if you don't understand what the comment means or the intention behind. By doing this we will be able to have constructive, beneficial and balance debate and discussion about issues and subjects.

By: Adam Matan.